Britains are spending 3-6 days a year stuck in traffic, study shows

The post Britains are spending 3-6 days a year stuck in traffic, study shows appeared first on Cycling Electric. Looking at the top ten most congested cities, recent data shows that you could sit in traffic for up to 6 days if you travel by car. We know and understand the convenience of touring and commuting by car. You have to go by car for some journeys, and there’s no way around it. However, […] The post Britains are spending 3-6 days a year stuck in traffic, study shows appeared first on Cycling Electric.

Apr 21, 2024 - 05:36
Britains are spending 3-6 days a year stuck in traffic, study shows

The post Britains are spending 3-6 days a year stuck in traffic, study shows appeared first on Cycling Electric.

Looking at the top ten most congested cities, recent data shows that you could sit in traffic for up to 6 days if you travel by car. We know and understand the convenience of touring and commuting by car. You have to go by car for some journeys, and there’s no way around it. However, in a lot of journeys, the bike, or more specifically, an e-bike, can replace a car. Not only does sitting in traffic waste your time, but it also wastes your money with the engine idling away, burning petrol you’re not using. The stop-start nature is terrible for brakes and fuel economy. Yes, an electric bike will need charging, but at least you’ll constantly ride to your endpoint, passing cars stuck in traffic.

cycling infrastructure westminster - most congested cities

Car insurance experts from have analysed congestion data and found that commuters in London, Bristol, and Manchester have lost the most time to rush-hour traffic. CEO and car insurance expert Greg Wilson said: “It’s frustrating when you start thinking about how many hours you spend each year waiting in traffic.  Motorists in the capital are most impacted by congestion, losing nearly a week being stuck behind the wheel.

Cycling Electric has compiled comprehensive Buyer’s Guides to help you choose the right electric bike, one that could significantly reduce your time spent in traffic in the most congested cities. Whether it allows you to leave home a little later or get back a little earlier, any form of biking is better for your health than sitting in traffic. And if you’re wondering, an e-bike can still provide positive health benefits, making your commute not just faster, but also healthier.

But you needn’t spend thousands on an e-bike. Cycling Electric has a buyer’s guide that shows you the best electric bikes for under £1,000. We have also written about the best electric bikes for commuting and budget commuter e-bikes.

traffic infrastructure obesity crisis - most congested cities
Cycling infrastructure has to be more than paint on the road or it fundamentally fails to promote safety

It comes as no surprise as we find London, one of the best cities in the UK for a competent cycle network also tops the list for time lost per year sat in Traffic. Drivers can find themselves sat still in traffic for nearly a week in London, up to 148 hours. London is followed by Bristol at 89 hours, and Manchester at 88 hours before we get to Leicester, Sheffield, Liverpool and Belfast at 79, 76, and 75 hours, respectively. Edinburgh, Hull and Nottingham round out the top ten with 74, 71 and 69 hours.

The post Britains are spending 3-6 days a year stuck in traffic, study shows appeared first on Cycling Electric.

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