ICE Bike Championship

Celebrating a historic milestone in the realm of motorcycle racing, Zero proudly announces its groundbreaking achievement: clinching the first-ever 100% electric podium in an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) bike Championship!

Mar 17, 2024 - 06:35
Mar 17, 2024 - 17:10
ICE Bike Championship

This electrifying feat marks a paradigm shift in the landscape of motorcycling, symbolizing the relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence that defines the Zero brand.

For aficionados of Zero's journey, it's no secret that the company has a profound passion for the track. Road racing serves as the ultimate proving ground for Zero's cutting-edge electric powertrains, providing invaluable insights and inspiration for enhancing performance and pushing technological boundaries. Indeed, each race becomes a vibrant tapestry of research and development, blending exhilaration with ingenuity in equal measure.

In this dynamic arena of competition, Zero's Director of Electrical Engineering emerges as a true trailblazer, spearheading the charge towards electrifying victory. With unmatched skill and determination, our esteemed engineer not only embraces the challenge of racing against gas-powered counterparts but excels, showcasing the unrivaled capabilities of Zero's electric motorcycles on the prestigious stage of the American Federation of Motorcyclists (AFM) Championship.

Throughout the grueling season, characterized by intense head-to-head battles and heart-pounding races, Zero's Director of Electrical Engineering demonstrates unwavering resolve and unparalleled expertise. Competing in the fiercely contested F40 Lightweight Expert series, each twist and turn of the track becomes a testament to his skill and dedication, culminating in a triumphant podium finish that reverberates across the motorcycle community.

In recognition of his extraordinary achievement, Zero extends heartfelt congratulations and admiration to Kenyon Kluge, the visionary leader behind this historic victory. His unwavering commitment to excellence and pioneering spirit exemplify the ethos of Zero, inspiring future generations of riders and engineers to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of motorcycling.

As the roar of applause fades and the checkered flag waves proudly, Zero stands at the forefront of innovation, poised to redefine the future of motorcycle racing with its revolutionary electric technology. This historic podium finish not only signifies a momentous milestone for Zero but also heralds a new era of electrifying performance and limitless possibilities on the track and beyond.

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