Pinion Fully Automatic Gearing System for MGU

Pinion debuts a revolutionary automatic gearing system at Eurobike, promising enhanced riding comfort and seamless integration for existing MGU-equipped e-bikes through a free software update.

May 11, 2024 - 06:06
May 3, 2024 - 11:06
Pinion Fully Automatic Gearing System for MGU

Pinion's unveiling of its MGU (motor and gearbox unit) for e-bikes at the Eurobike trade fair in Frankfurt am Main in 2023 left a lasting impression on attendees. While many were wowed by the innovative drive system, inquiries arose regarding certain features commonly found in established shifting systems, such as fully automatic shifting. Responding to these demands, Pinion has diligently worked on enhancing its system to incorporate such functionalities.

Scheduled for a grand presentation at the beginning of July, one year after its initial debut, Pinion aims to showcase a comprehensive automatic gearing system at this year's Eurobike event. This system will seamlessly integrate the entire drive into one housing, marking a significant leap forward in e-bike technology. Presently, gear changes are executed electronically, albeit with the assistance of a traditional shift lever. These changes occur within fractions of a second, with the option to engage multiple gears by holding the shift lever for an extended duration. Importantly, this can be done whether stationary or in motion, regardless of the current gear or load conditions.

Pinion's existing semi-automatic functions, Smart.Shift, already offer riders enhanced convenience with features like Pre.Select and Start.Select. Pre.Select automatically adjusts the gear ratio based on the riding speed detected by the system, facilitating smoother transitions between high and low speeds. Conversely, Start.Select enables riders to set a gear for starting from a standstill.

Looking ahead, Smart.Shift promises to elevate riding comfort to new heights. While specifics regarding the automatic system remain undisclosed, it's anticipated that it will be centered around a user-defined desired cadence. This approach aims to maintain consistent cadence across various riding scenarios, necessitating responsive gearing capable of shifting even under maximum load. With the upcoming Eurobike event just around the corner, there's hope that the system will be available for testing, allowing enthusiasts to experience its capabilities firsthand.

Excitingly, Pinion's advancement doesn't necessitate new hardware for existing MGU-equipped e-bikes. Instead, the additional functionality can be seamlessly integrated via a software update performed by authorized dealers, free of charge. While the exact timeline remains unspecified, Pinion targets the third quarter of 2024 for the rollout of this upgrade, providing current owners with an eagerly anticipated enhancement to their riding experience.

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