Montreal set to expand bike network again with $30 million in 2024

Montreal, a city renowned for its vibrant culture and being one of North America’s most bicycle friendly-cities, is making waves again by prioritizing sustainable transportation in a number of areas.

May 8, 2024 - 11:22
May 8, 2024 - 11:21
Montreal set to expand bike network again with $30 million in 2024

Montreal, known for its dynamic cultural scene and distinction as one of North America's most bicycle-friendly metropolises, is once again at the forefront of sustainable transportation initiatives. Let's delve into the latest advancements in Montreal's cycling infrastructure, ranging from ambitious expansions of bike lanes to pioneering projects like the Express Bike Network (EBN) and the resurgence of Canada's oldest bike-sharing program, BIXI.

Enhancing Montreal's Cycling Infrastructure
The City of Montreal's dedication to cycling infrastructure is apparent in its substantial $30 million investment in the 2024 cycling projects program. This comprehensive initiative spans 29 projects across 13 boroughs and three interconnected cities, focusing on the development and enhancement of approximately 33.2 kilometers of the cycling network. Key projects include the Henri-Bourassa Boulevard REV, the Viger/Saint-Antoine/Saint-Jacques REV, and the Jean-Talon REV.

This investment is part of a broader five-year plan initiated in 2023, aiming to add over 200 kilometers of new bike lanes, including 60 kilometers as part of the second phase of Montreal's express bike network, the REV. The city's objective is to offer cyclists safer and more accessible routes, promoting a culture of active living and sustainable transportation.

Major cycling projects nearing completion include Phase 2 of the Henri-Bourassa REV, Phase 1 of the Hochelaga axis, and Phase 1 of the Saint-Urbain axis. Additionally, extensions to the Côte-Sainte-Catherine trail and the consolidation of the Jean-Talon/Bélanger REV underscore Montreal's commitment to establishing a comprehensive and interconnected bike lane network.

The Express Bike Network in Montreal
The Express Bike Network (EBN) represents a groundbreaking endeavor aimed at revolutionizing urban mobility in Montreal. With its recent extension onto Rue Saint-Antoine, linking Rue Guy and Rue du Square-Victoria, the EBN continues to expand its coverage, connecting downtown Montreal with Le Sud-Ouest.

Scheduled for completion by fall 2024, this bidirectional bike path will provide cyclists with a direct route, enhancing connectivity and accessibility within the city. The project includes dedicated bike lanes, buffer zones to enhance safety, and traffic lights tailored to cyclists' needs.

By prioritizing sustainable transportation through initiatives like the EBN, Montreal is reshaping its urban landscape and promoting active living. By offering cyclists safe and efficient routes, the EBN aims to encourage more individuals to embrace cycling as a viable mode of transportation, thereby reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions.

BIXI: A Pillar of Active Transportation
BIXI Montreal stands as a cornerstone of Montreal's transportation ecosystem, providing a convenient and eco-friendly bike-sharing service that continues to gain traction among residents and visitors alike. With over 11,000 bikes spread across 934 stations in eight cities, BIXI offers a simple, flexible, and cost-effective transportation option.

The early opening of BIXI's network in 2024 is a significant achievement, with over 60% of its network available for use, the earliest milestone in its history. As BIXI expands its reach and improves its services, Montrealers can enjoy year-round access to this sustainable and accessible transportation mode.

With the success of initiatives like the Express Bike Network and BIXI Montreal, Montreal leads the charge in promoting sustainable transportation and active lifestyles. As the city continues to invest in cycling infrastructure and innovative mobility solutions, Montrealers can anticipate a greener, healthier, and more vibrant urban environment for future generations.

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