Funding Pause Lifted for E-Cargo Bkes: Updates on German Federal Budget Impact

The federal budget freeze blocked a funding programme for e-cargo bikes. The situation has not yet been finally resolved. Der Beitrag Subsidy for the Purchase of E-Cargo Bikes: Rather Now than Later erschien zuerst auf E-Bike Blog.

Feb 5, 2024 - 08:40
Feb 5, 2024 - 08:48
Funding Pause Lifted for E-Cargo Bkes: Updates on German Federal Budget Impact

1. Federal Budget Freeze Hits E-Cargo Bike Subsidies
   - Temporary pause on nine funding programs, including e-cargo bikes, due to spending freeze.
   - Freeze implemented by the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bafa) in December 2023.

2. Legal Twist: Constitutional Court Nullifies Budget Act
   - Federal Constitutional Court nullifies Second Supplementary Budget Act 2021 on 15th November 2023.
   - Budget freeze affects the Climate and Transformation Fund, impacting e-cargo bike subsidies.

3. Green Light: Applications Open Again for E-Cargo Bike Funding
   - BMWK lifts the pause on applications and approvals, allowing submissions to Bafa.
   - Both old and new applications are being processed, no need to resubmit if submitted before 4th December 2023.

4. Provisional Approval: Subsidy Program Reinstated Temporarily
   - Renewed approval for the subsidy program granted in January is provisional.
   - Deadline for submissions extended until 29th February 2024 within current provisional budget management.

5. Key Information on E-Cargo Bike Subsidy Guidelines
   - Overview of subsidy details: purpose, amount, eligible recipients, exclusions, and application considerations.
   - Emphasis on the provisional nature of the renewed approval until February 2024.

6. E-Cargo Bike Subsidy: What You Need to Know
   - Detailed information on the subsidy:
      - Purpose: e-cargo bikes and trailers, new or standard, with specific features.
      - Amount: 25% of the purchase expenditure, maximum 2,500 euros per vehicle.
      - Recipients: Private companies, freelancers, municipalities, corporations, associations, etc.
      - Exclusions: Passenger transport bikes, sharing service providers, retrofit e-drives.
      - Application and considerations: Apply before ordering, submission by future owner, included accessories.

7. "Mobil Gewinnt" Initiative: Alternative Funding Option
   - Overview of the "mobil gewinnt" program by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.
   - Aimed at SMEs for electric mobility, not limited to e-cargo bikes, offering initial and broad-based funding.

8. State-Specific Funding: Explore Beyond Federal Programs
   - Mention of various state-specific funding programs with differing guidelines and potentially higher amounts.

Der Beitrag Subsidy for the Purchase of E-Cargo Bikes: Rather Now than Later erschien zuerst auf E-Bike Blog.

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